Source code for tinymce.widgets

# License: MIT, see LICENSE.txt
TinyMCE 4 forms widget

This TinyMCE widget was copied and extended from this code by John D'Agostino:
import json
import logging
import os

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
from django.forms import Textarea, Media
from django.forms.utils import flatatt
from django.utils.encoding import smart_text
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.utils.translation import get_language, get_language_bidi
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.urls import reverse
from django.contrib.admin import widgets as admin_widgets
from jsmin import jsmin
from . import settings as mce_settings

__all__ = ['TinyMCE', 'render_tinymce_init_js']

logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s] %(module)s: %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger_level = logging.DEBUG if settings.DEBUG else logging.WARNING

def language_file_exists(language_code):
    Check if TinyMCE has a language file for the specified lang code

    :param language_code: language code
    :type language_code: str
    :return: check result
    :rtype: bool
    filename = '{0}.js'.format(language_code)
    path = os.path.join('tinymce', 'js', 'tinymce', 'langs', filename)
    return finders.find(path) is not None

def get_language_config():
    Creates a language configuration for TinyMCE4 based on Django project settings

    :return: language- and locale-related parameters for TinyMCE 4
    :rtype: dict
    language_code = convert_language_code(get_language() or settings.LANGUAGE_CODE)
    if not language_file_exists(language_code):
        language_code = language_code[:2]
        if not language_file_exists(language_code):
            # Fall back to English if Tiny MCE 4 does not have required translation
            language_code = 'en'
    config = {'language': language_code}
    if get_language_bidi():
        config['directionality'] = 'rtl'
        config['directionality'] = 'ltr'
    return config

def get_spellcheck_config():
    Create TinyMCE spellchecker config based on Django settings

    :return: spellchecker parameters for TinyMCE
    :rtype: dict
    config = {}
    if mce_settings.USE_SPELLCHECKER:
        from enchant import list_languages
        enchant_languages = list_languages()
        logger.debug('Enchant languages: {0}'.format(enchant_languages))
        lang_names = []
        for lang, name in settings.LANGUAGES:
            lang = convert_language_code(lang)
            if lang not in enchant_languages:
                lang = lang[:2]
            if lang not in enchant_languages:
                logger.warning('Missing {0} spellchecker dictionary!'.format(lang))
            if config.get('spellchecker_language') is None:
                config['spellchecker_language'] = lang
            lang_names.append('{0}={1}'.format(name, lang))
        config['spellchecker_languages'] = ','.join(lang_names)
    return config

def convert_language_code(django_lang):
    Converts Django language codes "ll-cc" into ISO codes "ll_CC" or "ll"

    :param django_lang: Django language code as ll-cc
    :type django_lang: str
    :return: ISO language code as ll_CC
    :rtype: str
    lang_and_country = django_lang.split('-')
        return '_'.join((lang_and_country[0], lang_and_country[1].upper()))
    except IndexError:
        return lang_and_country[0]

def render_tinymce_init_js(mce_config, callbacks, id_):
    Renders TinyMCE.init() JavaScript code

    :param mce_config: TinyMCE 4 configuration
    :type mce_config: dict
    :param callbacks: TinyMCE callbacks
    :type callbacks: dict
    :param id_: HTML element's ID to which TinyMCE is attached.
    :type id_: str
    :return: TinyMCE.init() code
    :rtype: str
    if mce_settings.USE_FILEBROWSER and 'file_browser_callback' not in callbacks:
        callbacks['file_browser_callback'] = 'djangoFileBrowser'
    if mce_settings.USE_SPELLCHECKER and 'spellchecker_callback' not in callbacks:
        callbacks['spellchecker_callback'] = 'tinymce4_spellcheck'

    if id_:
        mce_config['selector'] = mce_config.get('selector', 'textarea') + '#{0}'.format(id_)

    config = json.dumps(mce_config, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder)[1:-1]

    return render_to_string('tinymce/tinymce_init.js',
                            context={'callbacks': callbacks,
                                     'tinymce_config': config,
                                     'is_admin_inline': '__prefix__' in id_})

[docs]class TinyMCE(Textarea): """ TinyMCE 4 widget It replaces a textarea form widget with a rich-text WYSIWYG `TinyMCE 4`_ editor widget. :param attrs: General Django widget attributes. :type attrs: dict :param mce_attrs: Additional configuration parameters for TinyMCE 4. They *amend* the existing configuration. :type mce_attrs: dict :param profile: TinyMCE 4 configuration parameters. They *replace* the existing configuration. :type profile: dict .. _TinyMCE 4: """ def __init__(self, attrs=None, mce_attrs=None, profile=None): super(TinyMCE, self).__init__(attrs) self.mce_attrs = mce_attrs or {} self.profile = get_spellcheck_config() default_profile = profile or mce_settings.CONFIG.copy() self.profile.update(default_profile)
[docs] def build_attrs(self, base_attrs, extra_attrs=None, **kwargs): attributes = dict(base_attrs, **kwargs) if extra_attrs: attributes.update(extra_attrs) return attributes
[docs] def render(self, name, value, attrs=None, renderer=None): if value is None: value = '' value = smart_text(value) final_attrs = self.build_attrs(self.attrs, attrs) final_attrs['name'] = name final_attrs['class'] = (final_attrs.get('class', '') + ' tinymce4-editor').lstrip() mce_config = self.profile.copy() mce_config.update(self.mce_attrs) if 'language' not in mce_config: mce_config.update(get_language_config()) if mce_config.get('inline'): html = '<div{0}>{1}</div>\n'.format(flatatt(final_attrs), escape(value)) else: html = '<textarea{0}>{1}</textarea>\n'.format(flatatt(final_attrs), escape(value)) html += '<script type="text/javascript">{0}</script>'.format( jsmin(render_tinymce_init_js(mce_config, mce_settings.CALLBACKS.copy(), final_attrs['id']) ) ) return mark_safe(html)
@property def media(self): js = [mce_settings.JS_URL] if mce_settings.USE_FILEBROWSER: js.append(reverse('tinymce-filebrowser')) if mce_settings.ADDIONAL_JS_URLS: js += mce_settings.ADDIONAL_JS_URLS if mce_settings.USE_SPELLCHECKER: js.append(reverse('tinymce-spellcheck-callback')) css = {'all': [reverse('tinymce-css')]} if mce_settings.CSS_URL: css['all'].append(mce_settings.CSS_URL) return Media(js=js, css=css)
[docs]class AdminTinyMCE(TinyMCE, admin_widgets.AdminTextareaWidget): """TinyMCE 4 widget for Django Admin interface""" pass