
Roman’s Blog is developed with Python 3.4 and Django 1.8.

Local Machine

First create and activate a clean Python 3.4-3.5 virtual environment (not mandatory but recommended). Then clone the Github repo on your machine:

git clone

Go to the project’s directory:

cd romans_blog

Install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create the DB and the admin account:

python syncdb

Run the developement server:

pyhton runserver

Then open link in your browser.

Login into the admin panel, open “Sites” section and enter as Domain name (Display name can be any). This is needed so that links from the admin panel to your site pages work properly.

You can also run script to populate your test site with “Lorem Ipsum” posts and pages.

To test file upload create a folder named media in the project’s folder, then create uploads sub-folder inside it.


Roman’s Blog is a typical Django app so for deployment on a VPS please follow any tutorial/manual available for deploying Django applications. But there are a couple of things you need to note.

Create a folder that will be served by your web-sever under /media/ path. Then create a sub-folder /uploads/ inside it. This subfolder must be accessible for writing to the web-server user.

By default the main project’s module tries to import module with production settings. So you must create such file along with the main As the absolute minimum, must define your production SECRET_KEY and DATABASES variables. You can use Django Secret Key Generator to generate a new secret key.

Modern best practices, like Two Scoops of Django, consider defining your production settings in a non-versioned as an “anti-pattern”, but in my opinion that is too harsh and using a “local” Python module for defining production settings is OK for small projects like this with only a few production settings that need to be kept secret.

Don’t forget to set DEBUG = False and define ALLOWED_HOSTS for your site. Also set Domain name in the admin panel (see above) to your site’s actual domain name.

To enable Disqus comments for posts and Google Analytics tracking define DISQUS_SHORTNAME and GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID variables in the project’s respectively.

To update django-haystack search index you need either to define HAYSTACK_SIGNAL_PROCESSOR = 'haystack.signals.RealtimeSignalProcessor' in the project’s (if your server has enough CPU power to run indexing on every save) or to schedule python update_index command to run at regular intervals.

For spellcheck to work properly in TinyMCE editor you may need to add spelling dictionaries for your languages. Read Pyenchant package docs for more info.